Which dealer should we use to test?
Can you set up Finance Programs for the dealer?
YAKTA needs the following changes in Custom Quote Builder Program
Finance Program
We added a new field, Documentation Fee, which typically is $150
Custom Quote Builder
Add Document Fee to all 4 fields. Then used updated Dealer Cost for the remaining calculations.
On the Product Lines
Margin should be default to 20%, which is done already.
Hide the Margin field
Unit Price field is not editable.
On the Payment Page,
Margin should be default to 20%, which is done already. Hide the Margin field
Participation Fee is not editable. Participation Fee is from the Finance Program table.
To the right of Finance Program, add a new field, Dealer Fee’s. Editable. Allow users to enter a number that is not negative.
If it is not a Cash Deal, increase Dealer Cost, Cash Promo, MSRP by the amount of Dealer Fee’s for each Finance Program lines. Calculations for other fields should remain the same.
Participation Cost
Margin + Finance Rate
Estimated Dealer’s Cost
Selling Price
Estimated Dealer Maring
Month Payments
Savings from MSRP
If it is a Cash Deal, the Dealer Fee should be allocated back to Product Lines using Line Amount.
To the left of the Finance Program, add a checkbox, Print.
Print will be the first column
Allow users to select Fiance Programs under each Finance Company.
Total 6 Finance Programs are allowed.
Finance Quote PDF
Clone the existing Quote.
Suggested format.
Display selected Finance Programs.
Nice layout that we can learn.
We will use these two documents to check monthly calculations.