Warehouse Walkthrough Topics
Bin Setup
GF Environment
Help Document
Bin Types
Item Receipt with Scanner
GGC Environment
Receiving goods at the warehouse and scanning in
Scan GTIN not Item
Print Pallet Label - Previous SOW / Proposal
GF Environment
Create Shipments from order
Create Picks
GGC Environment
Note that the “Create Pick” button needs to be added back to the shipment
GF Environment
Mobile Pick
GF Environment - Choc Cake DEMO - 7002
Bill of Material Creating Good Packs
Cycle Counts
GF Environment
Create Count
Calculate Counts
Mobile Count
Print Cycle Count Sheet
Permissions: Who can Post an Adjustment
Reports to Determine which Bins need a count
Blind Cycle Count - Future Feature
Mobile App - Inventory Review
GF Environment
Scan Item to See Bin location
Loading into different areas
Scan Bin Location to See Items
Move from One Bin to Another
Putting items into a QA environment
Not Automatic
Could Create a Report to Find out Which Pickfaces are low
Example: New Bins and Contents Report