11/20/2024 Meeting Summary Default Bin Setup

11/20/2024 Meeting Summary Default Bin Setup


Suggestions for Default Bin setup

  • Each bin belongs to a department

  • They will send a file with all the part numbers and what bin it belongs to

  • One component could potentially belong to Quality today and tomorrow it can belong to different department (it could be Scrap too)

  • They want an input bin for decramentation but also one for location (where the part is physically located)

    • For example: For components in Assembly, they will do all inventory transactions in YT100

      • YT100 represents YT001 to YT999 shelves

      • Whse associate need info on where the component is located (provided by stating which YT001 to YT999 shelves it is at)

  • So in GF tables, we only want bins such as YT000, and YA or YB

    • YT001 to YT999 are not bins and more like shelf numbers

  • On Sage, there’s two decrementing points, one at welding and one at assembly

  • They want more accurate inventory for the components so they want to decrement at different stages

  • They have to tell the system that they are done with each operation step / for the steps that do decrement inventory, it should decrement

    • Do we report output by work order or track by routing step?


  • If we want to consume WO by routing step, scan WO first and then scan Operation number

  • One input bin for each warehouse is the optimal solution (one for Arrowquip and one for Yakta) / and one component could have many shelves

GF Todos

Arrowquip Todos

GF Todos

Arrowquip Todos

Create Location table
Waseem will check the Production Scheduler issue for Dallas
Send 2 tables (bin table and shelf/location table)
Test out and document current Work Order tracking
For all your WO, how many trackings do you do for WO
Are there any error messages?

Next Step:

Find time to talk about the design for Work Order Tracking more (we can create something that can be usable before mobile scanning)

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