BOL Changes 12/26/24

BOL Changes 12/26/24


  1. Need the “weight” for each product to auto populate when ‘creating BOL’ and follow through to printing on the straight BOL.

  2. Need the Freight class to auto-populate when ‘creating BOL’ and follow through to printing on the straight BOL


  1. On BOL PDF , add following information and bring from Sales Order fields

Pickup Date / Time = Pickup_Date__c

Shipping Lane = Shipping_Lane__c

Carrier = GFERP__Shipping_Agent__c

Transport Cost = Transport_Cost__c

Kilometers delivered = KiloMeters_Delivered__c

  1. On BOL lines and US Custom Invoice PDF, populate Serial No from linked Tracking lines / Shipment lines.

  2. Weight should Show in KG’s on lines on PDF on US Custom Invoice

  3. If all Items = AQ items, then show ArrowQuip and ArrowQuip Logo and if all Items = YK Items and Yakta Logo, show Yakta
