Serial Number (Tracking Lines Object or Related List?) new fields:
Floorplan = Check Box
Vendor = Picklist
Wells Fargo
If “Floorplan” = TRUE
System will look at location where Item Journal is created, and update automatically
Trailer Nation Location
Vendor = Wells Fargo
Option 2 - Inventory Adjustment
Post to accounts
Option 1 - Purchase Order
Northpoint or Wells Fargo will be the Vendor
Flag on PO = “Floor PO”
Warehouse Receipt
Will look at the PO to see if it’s a Floor PO and post to the correct accounts
Accounting Questions
When to do Purchase Invoice?
How to adjust costs?
Would you need to edit the Purchase Order?
Screenshot from meeting - need actual file from Scott.
Purchase Invoice
Normally - pay for the item after it is sold to an end customer
Curtailment - paying for a portion of the item
To begin with, will manually create the purchase invoice
Will there be an automation to create purchase invoice?
After trying for the process for a while, then think about eventually automating it
Daily Report of Posted Sales Orders
For the items that were sold that day
Serial Number
Match to Purchase Order
Filter by Floorplan = Yes
Sold but Purchase Invoice not Paid Yet
Maybe also a report of unposted purchase invoices vs sales orders
Other Issues
Vendor never sends invoice for the Floorplan
So AATC can’t make the payment to the vendor
The invoice doesn’t exist in the vendor’s system - Northpoint
Might be a good idea NOT to automate posting the purchase invoice
That way if there is a purchase invoice AATC didn’t pay yet, it doesn’t need to be tracked down.