Sales Order Configuration
These sales order types have already been defined for the YAKTA Processes:
Warranty Sales Order - WSO
Small Sales Order - SSO
Sales Order - SO
Sales Order Processes
Warranty Sales Order
From Dealers
Size: Parcel
Salespeople manually enter orders
Includes the Following
Subassemblies may or may not be in stock already.
If in Stock
Update Purchasing Type = Inventory
If no inventory exists, create Work Order
Update Purchasing Type = Special Order
Obsolete parts
Where do these come from?
Small Sales Order
Salespeople manually enter orders
Size: Parcel
Includes the Following
Sales Order
Salespeople manually enter orders
Size: Truckload (TL)
May include the following:
One or More Finished Goods
Items from a 3rd Party
Out of Stock Inventory for a Sales Order
Insert Requisition for Work Order
All SO Sales Order types will require at least one work order.
Insert Requisition for Purchase Order
The Warehouse team will NOT insert a requisition for a Purchase Order.
Instead, the Warehouse team will work with the Purchasing Team and they will insert the requisition.
This is preferrable to manually creating a Purchase Order, so the Purchase Order is linked to the Sales Order.