Enhancements to the Sales Line
Add Two New Fields to the Sales Line:
Qty. Moved
Qty. Not Moved (calculated as:
Outstanding Qty – Qty. Moved
Update the Service Sales Order Page:
Display the two new fields on the Sales Line Related List for Service Sales Orders.
New Button: "Create Movement"
Button Placement:
Add the Create Movement button to the Sales Order page.
The button should be visible only when the Record Type is "Service".
Button Functionality:
When the button is clicked, perform the following actions:
Validation Checks:
Error if a Warehouse Shipment is already created for the Sales Order.
Error if no Sales Lines have
Qty. Not Moved ≠ 0
Movement Creation:
Create a new Movement record linked to the Sales Order.
Set Quantity on the Movement =
Qty. Not Moved
for each applicable Sales Line.Set the To Bin field to the Ship Bin.
Posting the Movement:
On posting the Movement, update the Qty. Moved field on the corresponding Sales Line.
Additional Notes:
Multiple Movements can be created for a single Sales Order.
Users can:
Adjust the Quantity on the Sales Order.
Create additional Movements to either:
Move more quantities to the Shipment Bin.
Return excess inventory from the Ship Bin to the original bins.
Warehouse Shipment Validation
When creating a Warehouse Shipment for a Sales Order with Record Type = Service
, perform the following validation:
Error if any Sales Lines with
Item Type = Inventory
haveQty. Not Moved ≠ 0