Managing Inventory Movements for Service Sales Orders

Managing Inventory Movements for Service Sales Orders


For Service Sales Orders, you can create movements to transfer inventory from regular bins to the Ship Bin. The functionality is accessible exclusively on Service Sales Orders.

Steps to Create Movements

  1. Initiate Movement Creation

    • Use the Create Movement button on the Service Sales Order page to start a new movement.

  2. Set Movement Details

    • Specify the Quantity on the Movement for items with Qty. Not Moved in the applicable Sales Lines.

    • Set the To Bin field to the Ship Bin.

  3. Multiple Movements

    • You can create multiple movements for a single Sales Order if required.


Error Conditions

Movements cannot be created in the following scenarios:

  • A Warehouse Shipment has already been created for the Sales Order.

  • No Sales Lines have Qty. Not Moved greater than zero.

Posting Movements

When you post a movement:

  • The system updates the Qty. Moved field on the corresponding Sales Lines.

  • Qty. Not Moved is recalculated using the formula:
    Qty. Not Moved = Outstanding QtyQty. Moved.


Updating Sales Orders After Movements

After creating and posting a movement, you can adjust the Sales Order as follows:

  1. Modify Quantities

    • Increase or decrease quantities on the Sales Order.

  2. Create Additional Movements

    • Move additional quantities to the Ship Bin.

    • Return excess inventory from the Ship Bin back to the original bins.

  3. Change Item Requirements

    • Set the quantity to 0 for items no longer needed.

Note: Sales Lines can only be deleted if Qty. Moved is zero.

Creating Warehouse Shipments

When creating a Warehouse Shipment for a Service Sales Order, perform the following validation:

  • Error: If any Sales Lines with Item Type = Inventory have Qty. Not Moved greater than zero.

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