Fenscape Business Process
Master Data
Kit items, should use both BOM and Item Routings
Some Work Centers are for Outside Service.
The current Explode BOM function does not look at Item Routings - need to change
Costing Method
Should also use Standard Costing fields.
They use the Standard Base Cost (with a markup of real FIFO inventory costs) for project costing and price quotes.
Outside Service Work Centers
Purchase Price table
2 warehouses
Overstock goes to one of these WH
Sales Team prepares Opportunity, Children Opportunity, Parent Quote, and Children Quotes.
From Opportunity,
Single Home
Create a Project and a Sales Order
Multi Homes
Create a Project, a Parent Sales Order, and multiple Children Sales Orders.
Parent Sales Order with 0 Prices
Sales Order Process
Prepayment invoices
Single Home
Multi Homes
From Children Sales Orders?
Explode BOM
Allocate Inventory
Requisition for Outside Service labor, then to create Purchase Orders.
Phase 2 Shipment
Modify the existing Parent Sales Order
Purchase Order Process
Multi-currency (USD and CAD)
Some special orders
Blanket Order
Work Order Process
They receive long pieces of wood that need to be cut down.
Sales Tax