Shareholder Daily Support Document
Hello Scott
We want a dashboard that generates shareholder #’s daily. I appreciate you can’t generate all this info but a large section you can so wondering if you can build the basis of it.
Yesterday’s Orders $ vs target
Yesterday’s End User Sales $ vs target
Graph between the two (trend line)
$ of Confirmed Orders in this week
Order Target
Amount to confirm
Cash Actual vs Target
AR Total vs Target
AR (movement in the last 24 hours) – highlight red if it went up and green if it went down and the amount
AP Total $
TCF Inventory – manually input
TCF Movement $ - manually input – this would show the difference since yesterday and would go red if it has gone up and green if it went down
TCF (over 30 days) – manually input
Daily Invoiced Sales vs Target
Yesterday’s GP (based on what was made in the factory) vs target
Inventory $
Daily Leads vs Target #
New Hires WTD (think this will pull from Reloco – a HR Salesforce Platform we are going with likely)
Total Staff