Landed Costs Demo
Set up accrual landed costs in Sandbox
Accrual GL Account: 2022-Accrued AP Landed Costs
Landed Cost Service Item: Z-Landed Costs
Account Posting Setup
Item setup: Test Unit B
Alternatively, estimated landed costs can be added before posting the Whse Receipt
Company Setup > Extended Setup
Process a Whse Receipt from a Purchase Order
Review Cost Entries
Process Purchase Invoice
Review Purchase Invoice Lines
Review GL Entries
Credit AP GL Account
Credit Accrued GL Account
Debit Inventory GL Account
Review Item Ledger Entries
Inventory Value = Unit Cost + Landed Costs
Assign Landed Costs for Reporting
Create a Purchase Invoice using the corresponding Landed Cost Service Item
Assign Whse Receipts on Purchase Invoice
Use GF2015 Landed Cost Accrual vs. Actual to analyze the Landed Cost variances by comparing the estimated Landed Costs with the Invoiced Landed Costs by Item and by Posting Date