Quality Check on Receiving Items
YAKTA will check the Quality of Items when received to ensure Items are received in good condition as per YAKTA’s standards.
as of 12/2/2024 Not being used
Item Setup
On every Item, the checkbox field Quality Check Required_when_Receive needs to be checked to specify which item will need to be Quality checked before receiving.
Quality Check on Whse Receipt
When a Whse Receipt is created from a Purchase Order, on the Edit screen there will be two checkboxes:
Colour Check
Check Dimension
that will appear on Whse Receipt lines for Items that are marked for Quality Check Required_when_Receive.
For Items, the receiver user will know which Items require QC check.
Error Condition
If Colour Check or Check Dimension is not marked for the Item’s required QC, an error message will pop up if the user tries to post the Whse. Receipt. When they are checked, the Whse Receipts can be posted.