Shopify Fulfillment Status Integration API

  • Create an app and obtain the API Access Token

    • Settings → Apps and sales channels → Develop apps

Click Create an app

Enter an App name and then click Create app

Click Configure Admin API scopes to grant access permission, and make sure the following permissions are included.

  • read_fulfillments, write_fulfillments,

  • write_inventory, read_inventory,

  • read_locations,

  • write_merchant_managed_fulfillment_orders, read_merchant_managed_fulfillment_orders, read_customers,

  • read_assigned_fulfillment_orders, write_assigned_fulfillment_orders,

  • read_orders, read_order_edits,

  • read_products,

  • write_shipping, read_shipping,

  • write_third_party_fulfillment_orders, read_third_party_fulfillment_orders,

  • write_custom_fulfillment_services, read_custom_fulfillment_services

Then Navigate to API credentials to obtain the API access token.

Paste the access token to the Shopify store setting in the custom setting.