February 11, 2025 Meeting Notes
Key Discussion Points:
1. Floor Plan Sales Order Checkbox
The Floor Plan SO checkbox should be defaulted to checked for all trailer sales orders.
If there is no floor plan purchase order, the system will perform a lookup but not find an invoice. This does not cause an issue.
Need to remove the checkbox field from the UI and handle the logic automatically.
Ensure only one serialized item is allowed per sales order.
2. Invoice PDF Updates
PDF formatting adjustments:
Resize/move the logo and address for better alignment.
Ensure warehouse address is always displayed in the correct section.
Sales order vs. invoice PDF distinction: Ensure the document header correctly reflects "Sales Order" or "Sales Invoice" based on context.
Co-applicant name:
Pull first, middle, and last name from the project’s finance section when the co-applicant checkbox is checked.
Ensure it is displayed on the sales order and invoice PDFs.
The co-applicant signature line should always be present.
3. Sell-To, Bill-To, and Ship-To Clarifications
Sell-To should always be the customer for DMV compliance, even when a lender is involved.
Bill-To should be the lender in finance deals, but this does not need to be displayed on trailer sales order invoices.
Ship-To should be the end customer's mailing address, pulled from the alternate ship-to table in Goldfinch.
4. Serial Number Table Updates
The serial number table is in UAT, pending production deployment.
Remove "Shipping Agent" field from trailer sales invoices and PDFs.
5. Down Payment and Invoice Totals
Add “Amount Due” field to invoice PDFs.
Prepayment (down payment) should be displayed at the bottom after tax.
Subtotal → Tax → Total → Down Payment → Amount Due
6. Trade-In Handling
A follow-up meeting is scheduled to finalize the trade-in process.
Need to determine whether to use service items for trade-in allowance and payoff.
Trade allowance should reduce the taxable amount, but exact tax implications need review.
7. Assigned Mechanic Field
The "Assigned To" field should be available at the sales quote line, sales order line, and sales invoice line level.
It should reference Goldfinch users, not Salesforce users.
If a Goldfinch user lookup is not possible, a picklist of mechanics will be used instead.
8. Used Inventory Import Process
Used inventory needs to be entered into Goldfinch.
The approach:
Create purchase orders and purchase invoices with a backdated posting date (e.g., 12/31/24).
After entry, Goldfinch support will clear out purchase invoices to remove financial impact while keeping purchase orders closed.
Action Items:
Task | Owner | Status |
Remove the Floor Plan SO checkbox from UI and default it to checked for trailer sales orders | Sarah | Done |
Ensure only one serialized item per sales order is enforced | Sarah | Done |
Adjust PDF formatting for logo and address alignment | Goldfinch Dev Team | TBD |
Ensure co-applicant name pulls from the Project finance section and appears on PDF | Goldfinch Dev Team | TBD |
Add co-applicant signature line to PDF | Goldfinch Dev Team | TBD |
Configure Sell-To, Bill-To, and Ship-To fields for trailer orders | Goldfinch Dev Team | TBD |
Deploy Serial Number Table to production | Goldfinch Dev Team | TBD |
Add Year and New/Used fields to Purchase Orders | Sarah | TBD |
Remove Shipping Agent from trailer PDFs | Sarah | TBD |
Add Amount Due field to invoices | Goldfinch Dev Team | TBD |
Review trade-in process (scheduled follow-up meeting) | Sarah, Chris, Alex, Scott | Feb 12 |
Implement Assigned Mechanic field at the sales order line level | Goldfinch Dev Team | TBD |
Determine if Goldfinch user lookup can be used for assigned mechanics | Goldfinch Dev Team | TBD |
Import used inventory via POs/PIs with 12/31/24 date and clear PIs post-import | Chris, Goldfinch Dev Team | TBD |