Blind Cycle Count - Scenario 2 - Mobile Scanner
- 1 Description
- 2 User Story
- 3 Process Flow
- 3.1 Current State
- 3.2 Future State
- 4 Acceptance Criteria
- 4.1 Scenario 2: Scan Blind Count Mobile App
- 4.1.1 Edit Tables
- 4.1.2 Item Journal Buttons
- 4.1.3 Create Mobile Blind Count
- 4.1.4 Scan Blind Count Mobile Button
- 4.1.5 Start Blind Count
- 4.1.6 Perform Blind Count
- 4.1.7 Blind Count Actions
- 4.1.8 Finish Blind Count
- 4.1.9 Review Blind Cycle Count Results
- 4.1 Scenario 2: Scan Blind Count Mobile App
To ensure accurate inventory quantities, warehouse supervisors will assign warehouse staff to count different areas of the warehouse
However, to ensure the staff doesn’t cut corners, the supervisor will assign “Blind Cycle Counts” plans.
If the staff is using Mobile Scanners, then the Blind Cycle Count plan directs the user through the locations and asks the user to enter the item, quantities, and serial number or lot if applicable.
If that user has appropriate permissions, they could post the count
Otherwise, someone with the appropriate permissions would post from the desktop.
User Story
As a warehouse supervisor, I need the ability to create blind cycle count plans and either print out a count sheet or tell one of the warehouse staff which cycle count plan to work, so I can ensure accurate inventory.
As a warehouse worker, I need the ability to select a cycle count plan from the mobile app so I can complete my task as expected by my supervisor.
Process Flow
Current State
Currently, GoldFinch does not offer a Blind Cycle Count option
Future State
Acceptance Criteria
Scenario 2: Scan Blind Count Mobile App
Edit Tables
Item Journal
Complete (True/False)
Scan Lines
Empty (True/False)
This field was not added, but instead a user will just confirm the bin is empty.
Item Journal Buttons
Add the following Buttons to the Item Journal
Mobile Blind Count
UPDATE: This button was not added, instead the user will just save the item journal
Compare Counts
UPDATE: This button was not added, instead a user will review the item journal.
Create Mobile Blind Count
When the warehouse supervisor clicks the “Mobile Blind Count” Button
UPDATE: This button was not added, instead the user will just save the item journal
The system creates item journal lines for each bin that falls within the Range of the “From Bin & To Bin” which the user selected when creating the Item Journal.
Include all bins, not just bins with items
See these 4 example records that would be created if the user selected From Bin = ABC1, To Bin = ABC4
UPDATE: The user will click “Calculate Counts”
Scan Blind Count Mobile Button
When a warehouse staff member logs into the Mobile App they will have the ability to select a Cycle Count Plan
Add “Scan Blind Count” Button to the Mobile App menu
Start Blind Count
When a warehouse staff member / user clicks the “Scan Blind Count” button they will have the ability to select an Item Journal Number.
Display the list of Item Journals
With a select button next to each
When the user clicks the select button next to an Item Journal
Display the list of bins for each Item Journal Line
Only display the bin name, nothing else.
With a “Count” button next to each
UPDATE: On the count page, double click on any row to show counted detail.
And a reset button will be provided so users can re count an item.
Perform Blind Count
When the user clicks the “Count” button next to an Item Journal Line
Prompt the user to scan/enter:
Lot Details (if applicable)
To be added in a future version.
Serial Number (if Applicable)
To be added in a future version.
The user will have the ability to select “Empty” if there are no items in that location.
UPDATE: If the user says that bin is complete without scanning any item, the system will prompt the user to confirm the bin is empty.
The user will have the ability to save this entry.
When the user clicks the “Save” button
A new record will be added to the Scan Lines table.
Display the details for the item that was just counted, add to the list of items already there, or show bin as “empty”
If necessary, the user will have the ability add additional items for that bin.
The user will have the ability to go back and select another bin from for that Item Journal
Blind Count Actions
Add the following buttons to the Item Journal Lines display
UPDATE: --- They will complete one bin at a time, not the entire Item Journal.
UPDATE: The Post button wouldn't enable until
All bins need to be counted on the list
The Scan Allow Post Output was renamed to Scan Allow Post Cycle Count
This need to be checked on the User Setup
Finish Blind Count
When all of the bins for that Item Journal have been counted and the user clicked the “Complete” button
This Item Journal will no longer be available to count.
If there is a bin that hasn’t been counted, then display an error message
UPDATE: The item journal won’t be available to count after it is posted
As mentioned in above, the user will mark each bin completed one at a time, not the entire journal.
If the user has appropriate permissions they will also be able to see the “Post” button.
If they click the post button the item journal will be posted and all the necessary adjustments will be made.
Review Blind Cycle Count Results
If the mobile user did not post the Item Journal and a back office user clicks the “Compare Counts” button on the Item Journal
UPDATE: The user will not “Compare Counts”, instead they will click “Edit”
This will display a list of all the lines that are counted.
The user can compared the “Physical Count” column with the “Calculated Count” column.
Then the system should compare each Scan Line Record for that Item Journal with the current inventory counts
Highlight matches in Green
Highlight discrepancies in Red
UPDATE: This feature was not added
The user will have the ability to accept or reject the counts.
For each Bin that was counted:
If the user does not agree with the physical count compared to the calculated count they edit the physical count to match the calculated count.
No Adjustment will be made
If the user does agree with the physical count compared to the calculated count, they can save.
The difference between the physical count and calculated count will be saved as an inventory adjustment.
The user will have the ability to save.
When the user saves, the system should replace the item journal lines and tracking lines with the accepted counts.
The back office user will have the ability to post the post the item journal.