Blind Cycle Count - Scenario 1 - Paper Based
To ensure accurate inventory quantities, warehouse supervisors will assign warehouse staff to count different areas of the warehouse
However, to ensure the staff doesn’t cut corners, the supervisor will assign “Blind Cycle Counts” plans.
A Blind Cycle Count plan includes is a list of locations/bins that the staff should count, but does not display what is expected in that location.
The staff would write the item, quantities, and serial number or lot if applicable.
Someone in the back office would enter the counts.
A supervisor would approve and post.
If the staff is using Mobile Scanners, then the Blind Cycle Count plan directs the user through the locations and asks the user to enter the item, quantities, and serial number or lot if applicable.
If that user has appropriate permissions, they could post the count
Otherwise, someone with the appropriate permissions would post from the desktop.
User Story
As a warehouse supervisor, I need the ability to create blind cycle count plans and either print out a count sheet or tell one of the warehouse staff which cycle count plan to work, so I can ensure accurate inventory.
As a warehouse worker, I need the ability to select a cycle count plan from the mobile app so I can complete my task as expected by my supervisor.
Process Flow
Current State
Currently, GoldFinch does not offer a Blind Cycle Count option
Future State
Acceptance Criteria
Scenario 1: Paper Based Blind Cycle Count Sheet
Print Blind Cycle Count Sheet Button
When the warehouse supervisor calculates the counts for a Cycle Count Item Journal, they will have the ability to print a “Blind Cycle Count Sheet”
Add “Print Blind Cycle Count Sheet” button on the Item Journal Page
Create Blind Cycle Count PDF
When the warehouse supervisor clicks the “Print Blind Cycle Count Sheet” Button
Create a PDF with the following format:
First Page:
“Cycle Count Sheet for Item Journal {Item Journal Number}”
List of each Bin that falls within the Range of the “From Bin & To Bin” which the user selected when creating the Item Journal.
Include all bins, not just bins with items
Check Box next to each Bin
2nd - Last Pages
Font = System Default
Columns Labels & Width
Bin / Location = 300 Pixels
Item = 250 Pixels
Quantity = 150 Pixels
UOM = 150 Pixels
Qty = 150 Pixels
Lot or Serial Number = 450 Pixels
Number of Rows = #of Bin Locations X 3
Row Height = 225 Pixels
Review Paper Based Cycle Count Results
The back office user will review the results on the sheet and update the item journals as necessary.